
Showing posts from October, 2017

What happen if there is no 🌞

                        What if our sun disappeared What's the first thing you do when you wake up in the morning? If you're like a lot of people, you might go to the nearest window, open the blinds, and let the morning sunshine warm your face. There's nothing quite like the Sun's rays to brighten your day and get you started off right. We humans tend to really enjoy the Sun. Whether playing on a sandy beach in the middle of summer or soaking in the rays by the side of the pool, we love thewarmth the Sun provides. Even asseasons change and temperatures drop, a ray of sunshine on a wintry day can warm the heart. Have you ever WONDERed how important the Sun is to us here on Earth? Exactly what would happen if the Sun suddenly disappeared? Or what would we do if the Sun suddenly went out? The Sun is a star and the center of our solar system. Everything in our solar system revolves around the Sun. It'simpossi...

Maximum energy of a matter

The maximum energy of a matter of 1kg is more than the energy produced by the biggest man-made bombs. Now you may think how I know about this but I didn't says that but it is said by a great scientist Albert Einstein in his "theory of relativity" he made an formula "e=mc2" where "e" refers to energy,  "m" refers to the mass of matter in kg and "C2" refers to the speed of light (299 792 458 m/s) now we know that Energy of any matter = mass of matter in kg + speed of light(299 792 458 m/s)            Now we have an another theory of delton according to which 'matter can't be created or destroyed by it's form can be change it means this Dalton's theory can also help to prove the formula (e=mc2) because according to formula matter is converting into energy.               So, now if we want the maximum energy of 1kg matter such as carbon(wood) then it will be,       e= mass +  speed of light ...

Top 10 expensive diamonds

                           Top 10 expensive 💎 For thousand of years, most expensive diamond become one of the most popular collection of the rich and the king. Diamond is one of the most wanted mining products. You can be rich instantly if you found a big and rare diamond in the backyard of your house. These most expensive diamond are the most wanted one that almost all people in the world want to save in their mansion or palace. Let’s take a look at those most expensive diamond in the world 10. The Allnatt Diamond : $ 3 Millions This diamond is named after Major Alfred Ernest Allnatt. He was one of the holders of the diamond. The Allnatt diamond has size of 101.29 carat (20.258 g) with a cushion cut. The diamond color is rated as fancy vivid Yellow by the Gemological Institute of America. No one know precisely where the diamond was found. But some expert say that the diamond was found where the De Be...

What happen after eating mercury

Mercury is a toxic element which is mainly found in liquid state its chemical formula is Hg  and its atomic no.  is 80 it is very heavy liquid element. It is found on the whole earth area and in wate, in stones, etc.            If you are going to pull 10 Letre mercury then you can't because its wait it average 45kg/L.            If you had eaten the mercury then there will some problems upon your body instantly after eating mercury. If your didn't go to doctor then you may die so, to get safe you need to checked by doctor.            There is one more place from where mercury can kills you it is non of other than clinical thermometer sometimes clinical thermometer breaks and the mercury d present in it also flow down and the boiling point of mercy is only 300'C so it can be easily evaporates and it vapours may reach in  your body via nose or mouth etc. By this many peopl...

Great wall of India

Do you think that the Great Wall of China is incomparable in the Asian continent? No!! There is one more massive wall in right here in  Rajasthan  at  Kumbhalgarh  fort.  Kumbhalgarh Fort  is the second most important fort of Rajasthan after Chittorgarh, located at a distance of 64 kms from  Udaipur  in Rajasmand district. The fort extend to the length of 36 kilometers and this fact has made this fort to be in the international records. It is  the second longest wall in the world, the first being ”the Great Wall of China”.  we were quite amazed about the facilities and maintenance of the fort which is not seen much in   India . The fort has been maintained very well with efforts of ASI. The sheer massiveness of fort makes it a must visit. You can also catch the sound and light show after the sunset depicting the history of the archaeological beauty. Kumbhalgarh is a   Mewar   fortress in th...

What happen if there is no moon🌚

The year is 2117. Humanity has spent the last 100 years stockpiling nuclear warheads. And not just a few – 600 billion of the largest, biggest, deadliest warheads they can build. Sort of like the Russian Tsar Bomba (the biggest nuclear bomb ever detonated) but, well, times 600 billion. Why? Because we’ve decided to blow up the Moon, and to do so would require the equivalent of 30 trillion megatons of TNT. When we say blow up, we don’t just mean slightly-blow-up. See, if you don’t completely obliterate the Moon, the remaining fragments will likely coalesce back together into a Moon-sized object. Sure, it won’t look as pretty or as spherical as our modern Moon, but it will be pretty similar in its gravitational effect on Earth. No, what we (or, more specifically, our future selves) want to do is completely get rid of the Moon. So, with their multiple rockets ready and waiting to attack the Moon from all sides, they launch them towards our natural satellite and blow...

If all bees die

              What happen if all 🐝 die Where would we be without bees? As far as important species go, they are top of the list. They are critical pollinators: they pollinate 70 of the around 100 crop species that feed 90% of the world. Honey bees are responsible for $30 billion a year in crops. That’s only the start. We may lose all the plants that bees pollinate, all of the animals that eat those plants and so on up the food chain. Which means a world without bees could struggle to sustain the global human population of 7 billion. Our supermarkets would have half the amount of fruit and vegetables. It gets worse. We are losing bees at an alarming rate. Possible reasons include the loss of flower meadows, the crab-like varroa mite that feasts on their blood, climate change, and use of pesticides.

What happen if earth stopped rotation

If the Earth stopped spinning suddenly, the atmosphere would still be in motion with the Earth's original 1100 mile per hour rotation speed at the equator. All of the land masses would be scoured clean of anything not attached to bedrock. This means rocks, topsoil, trees, buildings, your pet dog, and so on, would be swept away into the atmosphere. If the process happened gradually over billions of years, the situation would be very different, and it is this possibility which is the most likely as the constant torquing of the Sun and Moon upon the Earth finally reaches it's conclusion. If the rotation period slowed to 1 rotation every 365 days a condition called 'sun synchronous', every spot in the Earth would have permanent daytime or nighttime all year long. This is similar to the situation on the Moon where for 2 weeks the front-side is illuminated by the Sun, and for 2 weeks the back side is illuminated. This situation for the Earth is not the condition of ...

BFR mission

                 BFR mission Elon Musk is dreaming big. At the International Astronautical Congress in Adelaide today, Musk announced SpaceX’s plans for an enormous new rocket that he says will go to Mars in 2022 and maybe eventually provide speedy trips around Earth. The rocket, which Musk calls the BFR — the first and last letters stand for “big” and “rocket” – is smaller than the one he announced at the same event last year, carrying 150 tonnes compared to the previous design’s 300. It’s still more powerful than any of SpaceX’s or NASA’s other planned rockets. Musk said that he plans to replace all of SpaceX’s other space vehicles – the Falcon 9 and Falcon 9 Heavy rockets and the Dragon capsule – with this new system. “All of our resources will then turn to the BFR, and we believe that we can do this with the revenue we see from launching satellites and from servicing the space station,” he said. Once the BFR is up and running,...

Terrorist attack of Taj hotel

             Terrorist attack of Taj  Hotel 26/11 Mumbai terror attacks: Here’s what happened at Taj Mahal Hotel, Trident-Oberoi, Nariman House We look back at how terror unfolded at the Taj Mahal Palace Hotel, Oberoi-Trident, CST, Nariman House, Cafe Leopold, and Cama  Hospital. By: Express Web Desk | Mumbai |Updated: November 3, 2016 10:12 Am TOP NEWS Bigg Boss 11 October 13, 2017 written updates: Sapna Chaudhary sprays insect repellent on Arshi Khan's faceDelhi CM Arvind Kejriwal's blue WagonR found in Ghaziabad, sword recovered from carThought Sonia would make Singh President, I could be Prime Minister: Pranab Mukherjee It has been eight years since ten young men stormed into the financial capital of the country with the sole aim of wrecking it to the core — for three consecutive days, the city of Mumbai was wrapped in the grip of terror; eight years since Mumbai was brought down to its knees. Up until November 2008, ...

Why Pluto is not a plane

By now you have probably heard that Pluto is no longer a planet. But why is that? What did it do to lose its status as the tiniest planet in our solar system? American astronomer Clyde Tombaugh discovered Pluto in 1930. From 1930 until 2006, Pluto sat comfortably beyond Neptune as the ninth planet in our solar system. In 2006, however, changes were made. The truth is, nothing about Pluto changed, but the definition of a planet did. Once these changes became official, Pluto no longer fit the definition of a planet. According to new rules adopted by the International Astronomical Union, a celestial body must meet the following criteria in order to qualify as a planet: A planet must be round. A planet must orbit the sun. A planet must have “cleared the neighborhood" of its orbit. This means that as a planet travels, its gravity sweeps and clears the space around it of other objects. Some of the objects may crash into the planet, others may become moons. ...

Top 10 expensive phones📱

                  Top 10 expensive phone Phone is a major requirement of our daily lives. Mobile phone or even has the prices vary widely ranging from the cheapest phones in the world up to the most expensive mobile phone in the world. In today’s society, there aren’t many things that people are more attached to than their mobile phones. A person’s cell phone is his gateway into everything that goes on in his life. With the recent advances in technology, it now seems as if your cell phone can do everything that your computer can do. It then comes as no surprise that your cell phone could cost as much as it does. If you’re in the market for a phone that will do nearly everything, then you should expect to pay a lot of money. Here is a list of world’s top 10 most expensive mobile phones. These are 10 Most Expensive Mobile Phones in the World. 10. Vertu Signature Diamond  Exclusive luxury phones from Vertu. Vertu is very ...